2024 Frontier Day Festival
Frontier Day began back in the 1980s, and to celebrate Plainview's centennial, it was revived by the Plainview Beautification Committee in 2007 and went on for another 8 years through 2015.
In September 2023, the Plainview AR Community Events revived Frontier Day once more.
Frontier Day is a time for the town to come together to celebrate the old days and the old ways of living. It's a fun-filled festival that celebrates the town's history with mobile cafes, shopping vendors, a parade, live entertainment, food, games, and fun for the whole family.
DATE: September 21, 2024
TIME: 8 AM to 1 PM
LOCATION: Main Street in Old Frontier Town, Plainview, AR
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Frontier Day Decor
On Plainview's 100th anniversary in 2007, the City decided to recreate an old tradition within the small town. Frontier Day was a celebration for what Plainview is at heart: It is a historical place where its best days were the old days. To give tourist a feel of this, the town built small old-fashioned buildings that were made to look like an old wild west town from the early 1900s. The City's Beautification Committee keeps the town decorated so beautifully throughout the year. Drive through the little town of Plainview any day and you are sure to see a few tourists, even locals, standing in the Old Frontier Town taking pictures and wondering what it would have been like back in those days.